Our Charity work

Le Petit Paradis "student of the year" award

This award is an award that we stared donating (10) years ago. It is given to the graduating valedictorian who is graduating primary school and entering into high school. This incentive is used as a congratulatory incentive that pushes students hard work. 


This award is usually distributed throughout the schools in the Roseau Valley namely Wotton Waven, Morne Prosper, and Trafalgar Primary School. 

Giving back to the community

As we have been blessed, we humbly use our blessings to bless others. Le Petit Paradis  takes pride in giving back to our community and as such, we give back both in cash and kind to people and institutions who are in need of assistance. 

Would you like to donate?

Feel free to contact us about your donation. Cash or kind would be greatly appreciated and would be used to continue enhancing our community.